Many people with back pain experience symptoms such as stiffness, muscle spasms, and difficulty bending or standing up. Sounds familiar?
Don’t let the pain interfere with your life!
At our core, we believe in creating implants that conform to your unique anatomy rather than forcing your anatomy to fit our implants.
Learn more about these conditions and the products we offer to treat them.
Are you feeling headaches, stiffness, and pain in your neck area that expands to your arms and shoulders?
Do you feel pain in your thoracic or lower back? Any numbness in your legs? Standing or sitting for a long time makes it even worst?
Do you feel pain in your lower back and leg? You may experience pelvis/buttocks pain. Does sitting down for long periods sounds awful?
How many patients have had the ZIP™ surgery?
ZIP™ is a screwless outpatient procedure that has helped many patients. With more than 10,000 surgeries, we’ve allowed patients to continue with a pain-free lifestyle.
What about SiLO™ & SiLO TFX™?
There are two treatment options available for SI joint pain. The first one is SiLO™, an allograft that promotes bone growth and immobilizes the joint in a simple and safe manner. The second option is SiLO TFX™, a new technique that uses Titanium, a biocompatible material, to transfix the SI joint, providing stability and fusion.

Watch these series of patient follow-ups. More coming up in the next few weeks!
Procedure: ZIP™ Minimally invasive, Screwless procedure.
Procedure: zip™ Minimally Invasive, Screwless Procedure.
Procedure: Simple, Safe… SiLO™ for the treatment of Si Joint Dysfunction.
We love hearing about patients' recovery stories! It reflects our commitment to designing devices that conform to the patient's anatomy, not the other way around.
We've put together a YouTube playlist featuring the experiences of patients who have used the Aurora devices. Check it out!